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23 Apr.

Netzwerktreffen Forschungsdaten Berlin-Brandenburg (NFDBBB)

10:00 - 15:00
Das nächste Netzwerktreffen Forschungsdatenmanagement Berlin-Brandenburg (NFDBBB) findet am Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie (ATB) in Potsdam statt. Wann? Dienstag, 23.April 2024, 10-15 Uhr Wo? Leibniz-Institut [...]
01 Okt.

Zertifikatskurs Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) für Forschende & FDM-Verantwortliche

01.10.2024 - 15.11.2024    
Zertifikatskurs Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) für Forschende & FDM-Verantwortliche Der Umgang mit Forschungsdaten ist ein bedeutsamer Aspekt der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis. Dazu gehören Themen wie Datenmanagementpläne, Metadaten, [...]
09 Okt.

A brief introduction to FAIR and Open Data

12:00 - 12:30
A brief introduction to FAIR and Open Data This coffee lecture will give a brief overview on how to make your research data more Findable, [...]
15 Okt.

Netzwerktreffen Forschungsdaten Berlin-Brandenburg

Zu unserem nächsten Netzwerktreffen Forschungsdaten Berlin-Brandenburg laden wir euch herzlich an den Stadtcampus der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde ein. Wie in unserem letzten gemeinsamen [...]
16 Okt.

Combatting Software-Driven Environmental Harm With Free Software

11:00 - 12:30
Combatting Software-Driven Environmental Harm With Free Software Digital technology is a major contributor to environmental harm, whether in the 'tsunami' of e-waste filling landfills or [...]
18 Okt.

Bring it back to life – Upcycling Workhop (in person, Berlin)

16:00 - 18:00
Bring it back to life – Upcycling Workhop (in person, Berlin) This is a companion workshop to the presentation "Combatting Software-Driven Environmental Harm With Free [...]
21 Okt.

Study preregistration and Registered Reports

09:00 - 10:30
Study preregistration and Registered Reports Registering a study's hypothesis, design, methods and analysis plan prior to conducting the study increases the transparency of your research [...]
05 Nov.

Reproducibility of Research Output: Session 1

09:00 - 10:00
Reproducibility of Research Output: Session 1 Perceived Barriers to Open Science among Researchers Open Science principles are generally well-received by researchers, but not everyone may [...]
05 Nov.

Reproducibility of Research Output: Session 2

10:15 - 12:15
Reproducibility of Research Output: Session 2 Reproducibility in Scientific Publications Reproducibility is one of the fundamentals of scientific results, yet we sometimes don't follow agreed-upon [...]
05 Nov.

Reproducibility of Research Output: Session 3

13:00 - 15:00
Reproducibility of Research Output: Session 3 FAIR Software and Containerization by NFDIxCS Research software is a critical issue in almost every research discipline. Creating software [...]
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